BC’s Clean Energy Vehicle Program Provides Real Benefits for Consumers and the Environment.
The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association welcomes the BC government’s commitment of $10.6 million to the Clean Energy Vehicle (CEV) program announced by the Minister of Energy and Mines, the Honourable Bill Bennett.
“The CEV program announced today provides critical support to consumers buying plug-in electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles, helping to broaden their adoption, reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, and will help switch transportation fuel demand from non-renewable fuels to clean provincial renewable energy. The continued focus on public, workplace and residential recharging infrastructure with support for research, training and outreach will instill greater consumer confidence in the purchase of electric vehicles. And by linking it to the BC Scrap-it program, consumers will get the added financial incentive to replace their older vehicles with the more advanced technology vehicles that produce less greenhouse gas and exhaust emissions , said Mark Nantais, President of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association”
In response to very stringent vehicle greenhouse gas emissions standards now through 2025, vehicle manufacturers will be pursuing multiple vehicle technologies, including a growing number of electric vehicles. The new light duty GHG emission regulations are estimated to result in 50% lower GHG emissions for the light duty fleet by 2025. For Canada, this means a reduction of 266 Mt of vehicle related GHG emissions over the life time of the standards.
About the CVMA
The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association is the industry association that has represented Canada’s leading manufacturers of light and heavy duty motor vehicles for more than 85 years. Its membership includes Chrysler Canada Inc.; Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited and General Motors of Canada Limited. Collectively, its members sell 48% of all vehicles in Canada and account for 65% of total vehicle production, operate 5 vehicle assembly plants as well as engine and components plants, and have over 1,300 dealerships. 125,000 jobs are directly tied to vehicle assembly in Canada. Direct and indirect jobs associated with vehicle manufacturing are estimated at over 500,000 across Canada. Please visit www.cvma.ca.
For more information, please contact:
Mark Nantais
Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association