Automotive industry associations share their recommendations on Bill 81: A Balanced approach is essential for the electric transition and protecting our economy

February 2, 2025 PRESS RELEASE

Québec, January 29, 2024 – The Corporation des concessionaires automobiles  du Québec (CCAQ), the Global Automakers of Canada (GAC), and the Canadian  Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association (CVMA) presented a detailed brief today on Bill  81. The three organizations are calling on the Government of Québec to adopt a  harmonized and pragmatic approach to ensure the successful transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) in the heavy-duty transportation sector. 

The brief highlights the unique challenges of electrifying heavy-duty vehicles,  including limited technology availability, high costs, a lack of suitable charging  infrastructure, and the operational complexity of this sector. It also advocates for  harmonizing Québec’s standards with those of other North American jurisdictions  to avoid regulatory isolation and preserve the province’s economic competitiveness. 

Ian P. Sam Yue Chi, President and CEO of the CCAQ, stated : 

« Québec’s dealers are ready to play a key role in the ecological transition, but it  is crucial for this transition to be accompanied by a realistic regulatory framework  aligned with other North American jurisdictions. An overly rigid or poorly adapted  approach could compromise Québec’s competitiveness and slow investment in new  technologies. We invite the government to work closely with the industry to strike a  balance between environmental ambitions and economic realities. » 

Brian Kingston, President and CEO of the CVMA, added : 

« Mandating heavy-duty zero-emission vehicle sales in Quebec will not speed the  transition to electrification. The government’s focus should be on providing strong  consumer supports and addressing the real and growing challenges facing electrification including a lack of reliable and accessible charging infrastructure,  inadequate grid capacity, and insufficient electricity generation. » 

Patrice Maltais, Director, Stakeholders Relations & Quebec Affairs of the GAC,  concluded : 

« The proposal to introduce a new ZEV mandate targeting heavy-duty vehicles appears premature to us. We favor a technology-agnostic approach to allow room  for existing or future alternative solutions to address the GHG challenges in heavy-duty transportation. »

The joint brief, presented by the CCAQ, GAC, and CVMA, outlines key recommendations, including a gradual phasing-in of obligations, financial incentives  to support the adoption of heavy-duty ZEVs, and ongoing dialogue with the industry. These measures aim to ensure that Québec achieves its environmental  objectives while maintaining its economic competitiveness. 

About the CCAQ 

The Corporation des concessionnaires automobiles du Québec represents nearly  900 dealerships across Québec, playing a central role in the local economy and the  energy transition. 

About the GAC 

Global Automakers of Canada (GAC) is the national trade association representing the Canadian interests of 16 of the world’s most respected automakers. Our members include: BMW Canada Inc, Honda Canada Inc., Hyundai Auto Canada Corp., Jaguar Land Rover Canada ULC, Kia Canada Inc.,  Maserati Canada Inc., Mazda Canada Inc., Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc., Mitsubishi  Motor Sales of Canada, Inc., Nissan Canada Inc., Porsche Cars Canada Ltd., Subaru Canada, Inc., Toyota Canada Inc., VinFast Auto Canada Inc., Volkswagen  Group Canada Inc., and Volvo Car Canada Ltd. Together our members represent  more than 25 brands in the Canadian automotive market. 

About the CVMA 

The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association represents Canada’s largest automakers and works to support a competitive and sustainable automotive industry. 

For more information, please contact : 

Charles Robert 

Director of Government Relations and Media Relations, CCAQ 

Tel. : 581-307-1268 | Email : 

Patrice Maltais, LL.M., MBA, C.Mgr 

Director, Stakeholders Relations & Quebec Affairs 

Global Automakers of Canada 

205 Riviera Dr. Markham, ON, L3R 5J6 


Brian Kingston 

President and Chief Executive Officer 

Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association 
